Image Description

Vendor Neutral Archive

A True Vendor Neutral Archive Providing Full Fidelity Archive for Any Image Types

Key Features

A vendor neutral archive (VNA) is a system that receives medical images from equipment manufactured by different vendors using a standard interface, store them in a standard format, and then allow different vendors' equipment to query and retrieve the stored images. VNAs enable healthcare organizations to consolidate, standardize, and archive images and data from different vendors' equipment into a single, easily accessible and interoperable repository.

While other vendors' VNAs focus on traditional radiology images (CT, MR, X-ray, ultrasound), PACSCloud's VNA was designed from ground up for medical images from all specialties, including oncology, cardiology, molecular imaging, in addition to radiology.

Universal for All Image Types beyond Radiology

Even though DICOM for radiology images (CT, MR, X-Ray, etc.) is fairly well standardized, this is far from the case for nuclear cardiology and molecular imaging. Many vendors' VNA reject raw data from such scans, while PACSCloud's VNA provide native support for any type of scans. 

Support Non-DICOM Proprietary Data 

In nuclear cardiology and molecular imaging, many vendors' DICOM can only support screen captures and simple static images. The complex 4-dimensional tomographic data are often left out. Additionally, there are still many non-DICOM scanners in use today.  PACSCloud can communicate with such equipment bi-directionally and natively, and store such data in standard DICOM format while preserving proprietary information.

Simple and Intuitive User Interface

PACSCloud VNA's simple and intuitive graphical user interface makes system management a breeze. Its AI-powered data retention algorithms make the system virtually maintenance free. 

Adaptive and Agile, Built for the Future  

PACSCloud VNA is built on a solid foundation that is adaptive and agile. It can quickly adapt to different vendors' DICOM variances. Most importantly, it can quickly and easily incorporate and integrate with the latest and greatest technologies, such as cloud and AI technologies.  

Universal Viewer for All Modalities

PACSCloud's flagship AI-power viewers for oncology, cardiology, molecular imaging, and radiology are also available on its VNA.

Resilient and Scalable

Cloud Storage

PACSCloud's VNA is backed by the bulletproof Azure cloud. Azure's Local, Zone, Geo, and Geo-Zone redundancies can ensure virtually 100% reliability. Azure's virtually unlimited storage capacity allows PACSCloud VNA to be scaled to any size desired.

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The PACSCloud Advantage

There are a few VNAs in the marketplace, some from PACS vendors and others from VNA only vendors. One thing in common among these VNAs is that they are targeted for radiology images only (i.e., CT, MR, X-Ray, etc.). Although they may be capable of accepting some cardiology and molecular images, the data often become irreversibly altered that they can no longer be used for further processing, analysis, or fusion. 

PACSCloud's VNA is the only one is the truly neutral to vendors, especially when it comes to cardiology and molecular imaging. PACSCloud's AI makes this possible by analyzing data and providing specific handling based on the make and model of the source equipment. This not only ensures information specific to the vendors and images is preserved, but also data are stored in standard DICOM format, so they can be retrieved and shared with other DICOM capable devices, or sent back to the original equipment in native formats.